Tuesday, April 28, 2009

my life would suck because of YOU.

Sobx....I HATE EXAM la man.!!!!
How am I going to memorize all those notes.
My brain is just as small as my fist.

1st Subject ~ Organizational Behavior.
Spend my whole week to finish the 6 chapters.
It is so tough until I really scare of it.
Even dreaming...also can dream about that.
Sob. My whole week night gone.
Dating with Mr. OB whole night.
What even I had read keep coming out from my mind.
The thought of my EXAM next week scares me stiff.

While I was studying my OB..

Missing someone.?

somebody send a message.
Inform me about this:~

"Latest news for all TARC DBU student.
Timetable for ABDM 2073 Organizational Behaviour
will change to 6 May 2009 2-4pm B101-107
You can get more information at http://www.tarc.edu.com/"

What.??? WTH. I prepare so hard.....
It might be truth because Ms.Natalie send the send msg 4 me too.
Without any consideration, I straight away turn on Mr. Acer.
Log in to the web...
I found that I had been fooled around by Mr. Sandry.
" Don't bother about this. It is FAKE."
Thanks Mr.Sandry for giving such an unpleasant surprise.

The night before OB exam,
go to bed early in order to have enough time to charge my battery.
Something happened, an explosion was heard a mile away.
[A factory on fire]
I was alarmed by it and I thought the thief incident happened again.
That day I not really have a sweet dream.
Having splitting headache the next morning.

No option, I still need to take exam.
Thanks Mr.Wilson for " ta pao" chicken rice for us.

phew..finally it is OVER. ^^v

Model :LLYing
Photographer : LPShen

**Thanks Mr.Sandry for the exam timetable.

**Thanks Mr.WQ for your encouragement & wishes.
Although your msg send at 2 minutes before the exam start.
appreciate. ^^

**Thanks little bro for cheering me.

**Thanks Collin for irritate me.

**Thanks Ms.Baby. Thanks for whatever you have told me.
You are the best.!!!! =)

**Thanks Ms.Elvira for accompany me for 'KS'. lols.

**Thanks Mr.Piggie for cherish. <3

Waiting for the arrival of HRM.

The day before HR exam,
I'm so worry that I might suffer in food poisoning.
I accidentally eat the mee that mummy put on table.
The mee haven't cook yet..
Maybe I'm over concentrate on revision..
until I even didn't notice about that.
[or maybe I'm too blur]

Maybe because of psychological effect made me feel want to vomit.
Fortunately I have a caring doctor. xD

random pics of little bro.
He is having new hair cut.
see..He is acting + posing..

Model : LPShen
Photographer : LLYing

say Bye Bye to Mr.OB and Mr.HRM

Now going to date with Mr.Marketing.


xuxu said...

u dye ur hair ar??
u ask him yesterday what happened la..

n@omi said...

no la. my hair colour original like tat geh.xD huh.hami su.? HIM.? who.?

xuxu said...

ur lovely + handsome bro lo..

Anonymous said...

doctor not the best meh! hahahaha....(^@^) blek!

Anonymous said...


u tarc hor


good luck for you then ^^


stop letting others ruining your life!
