Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Kampar, here I come

Today is the big day for us.
A day to decide where should we go or what should we do.
I'm kinda nervous about this and feel pressure when taking the exam.
Tears a lots inside the two papers. >,< style="font-style: italic;">Sigh...
After spending such a long time to explain, finally she understand.
1 and a half week left to start a new life.
I'm mentally and physically ready for it. weee..

Mama brought me to pray in Jawi.
I don't know how to describe the situation there.
The number is there but almost the front 1 kept by the people there.
You can get a front no if you buy something from them.
Or else, you need to wait for you turn.=(

Visiting another sifu in Tambun.
He told me..
"You can't always so straight, or else you will be used by people around you".
I told him..
"I'm just doing it all in my way, and I always believe that no people will harm me if I didn't do anything, I believe that if I treat everyone with the truth heart, people will treat me as the way I treat them."
He said
"Why are you so STUPID.?"
Please beware of the people surrounding as they might be the one who betray you.
I'm just keep quiet.
Maybe he is giving me some hints to beware the people around me.?
Or maybe he want me to change the way I treat people.?
I don't really get it means. sigh.

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